2016년 10월 18일 화요일

Lip lift , Lip plastic surgery - phiptrum reduction surgery

Lip lift_ Philtrum reduction surgery
Ideal philtrum is usually about half the distance from the lower lip to the chin.
Philtrum reduction is a surgery properly adjusting the length of the philtrum that is too long to fit in the shape of the face and balancing the face.
Procedures of the philtrum reduction surgery
The philtrum reduction surgery includes
1. Bull born lift that cuts the skin in the border of the bottom of the nose
2. Gull Wing Lift that cuts the upper lip line between a red upper lip and the skin,
3. Goldenview Hybrid Lift that combines the advantages of the two surgeries.

Bull Horn Lift is a surgery performed when a patient wants to reduce the length of the philtrum,
yet does not want to change the thickness of the lips.

Gull Wing Lift is a surgery performed when a patient has thin lips and blurred and flat lip lines.

and last Hybrid lift is,

Among them, Goldenview Hybrid Lift is a
surgery that has mostly been used nowadays as it combibes the
advantages of the two other surgeries and minimizes the disadvantages.


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